Practices of Internationalization in the Everyday Life of a Research Institute
Lukas Feilen
University of Tübingen
Lukas Feilen studied Empirische Kulturwissenschaft (Historical and Cultural Anthropology) and Rhetoric at the University of Tübingen and Universitat de Barcelona. He did his B.A. thesis in 2013 on the change of the everyday work life of film projectionists with new projection technologies. He is finishing his M.A. in Tübingen with a thesis on Evaluations in a research institute and their implications for the employees.
In my M.A.-thesis I did research on how evaluations affect and shape the work of academics and the administration of a research institute. The evaluations are bound to certain policies because the state provides the majority of the funding. One main topic for scientific work in the last years has been the concept of ‘internationalization’. The paper will first introduce the institute I did my research in and then address the issue of how scholars and the administration adapt the concept of ‘internationalization’ into their everyday life.
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